Which country uses ChatGPT the most

By Vivek Dubey


Published August 21, 2024

Leading India

India tops the list with 45% ChatGPT usage, driven by its large IT sector which benefits significantly from AI tools.

Notable Morocco & UAE

ChatGPT is used by 38% of Moroccans and 34% of UAE residents, reflecting substantial adoption of AI in these countries.

Diverse South America

Argentina and Brazil both have 32% ChatGPT usage, showing their strong engagement with AI technology.

Indonesia & South Africa

Indonesia and South Africa, with 32% and 31% usage respectively, are integrating AI tools into various sectors.

Active Philippines & Sweden

28% of Filipinos and 27% of Swedes use ChatGPT, indicating a growing interest in AI across these nations.

Advanced South Korea & Türkiye

South Korea and Türkiye have 26% and 23% ChatGPT usage, demonstrating their adoption of AI technologies.

Notable U.S. & Australia

Both the U.S. and Australia have 22% ChatGPT usage, reflecting moderate yet significant AI adoption.

Engaged Mexico & UK

22% of people in Mexico and the UK use ChatGPT, showing similar levels of AI tool integration in these countries.

Japan & China

Japan and China, with 19% and 18% usage respectively, are adopting ChatGPT but at lower rates compared to others.

European Focus

France, Germany, and Saudi Arabia each have 18% ChatGPT usage, reflecting consistent engagement with AI in these regions.


Thailand has the lowest reported usage at 14%, indicating an initial stage of AI adoption in the country.

Source: Visual Capitalist