International Dog Day: 10 easy tips to keep your dogs happy

Praise them for good behaviour Maintaining a positive relationship with your dog is key to their happiness. Appreciating them is also crucial for positive reinforcement training.

Rotate dog toys to keep them exciting Dogs need variety in their lives to be excited. It is best to divide their toys into sets and take out one set per week. This will ensure that the toys are not neglected.

Arrange playdates Reach out to friends and neighbours with their own dogs and bring the two together to allow them to enjoy the company of one another.

Play games together Games are important to keep your dog physically and mentally stimulated and stop them from getting bored and destructive. Games like throwball are a great way to exercise and also help in training. 

Grooming Good grooming is an essential part of providing them with a good quality of existence. Keeping their coat and skin will keep them comfortable, as will keeping their toenails short. 

Doggie massage One of the most relaxing things for not just humans but pets too is massages. Getting a proper massage booked for your pet can be excellent for their physical and mental well-being. 

Get them vaccinated Vaccinations are fundamental for protecting your dog from infectious diseases. Keep track of vaccination dates, ensuring your dog is up to date with necessary shots.

Prevent and treat parasites Even seemingly healthy dogs can be affected by ticks, fleas, and worms. It is important to provide treatment for these from time to time. After outdoor activities, check for ticks and groom your dog regularly. 

Feed them well  A proper diet is the cornerstone of your dog's health. Pet food should align with the carnivorous nature of dogs, emphasising high protein and fibre content tailored to their specific needs.

Feed them well  Dental care is often underestimated but is vital for preventing gum disease and tooth decay. Introduce teeth brushing gradually, ideally when they are puppies, to make it a normal routine.

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