10 asanas you can do this International Yoga Day

Published by: Priyanka Deshpande

International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21st each year to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of practicing yoga.

On June 21st, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will commence the celebration of International Yoga Day at the UN headquarters in New York.

During the June 18 ‘Mann Ki Baat’ interaction, Modi urged everyone to embrace yoga as a fundamental part of their lives

The Prime Minister shared a series of videos on Twitter showcasing different yoga asanas that individuals can practice on International Yoga Day. Here's a look at the top 10 yoga asanas.

Vrikshasana (The tree posture)

Vrikshasana improves neuro-muscular coordination and stability by strengthening leg muscles. People suffering from arthritis, vertigo, & obesity should avoid doing this posture.


Tadasana (The palm tree posture)

Tadasana alleviates spinal compression, improves posture, & strengthens thighs, knees, & heels. Avoid this asana if you suffer from any heart disease, vertigo, & varicose veins.


Trikonasana (The triangle posture)

Trikonasana strengthens the back muscles, prevents flat foot, & promotes strength & flexibility in the thighs, shoulders, chest, & spine. Avoid this asana if you have neck or back injuries, slip disc, or sciatica.


Ardha Chakrasana (The half wheel posture)

This asana improves spinal flexibility, strengthens nerves, & enhances breathing. It eases cervical spondylitis pain. Caution is advised for individuals with hypertension or high blood pressure when bending backwards, & those with vertigo should avoid this asana.


Padahastasana (The hands to feet posture)

Padahastasana enhances spinal flexibility & benefits menstrual health. Avoid if you have heart problems, back/spine issues, vertigo, stomach swelling, hernia, high myopia, ulcers, or if you are pregnant.


Disclosure: This is not medical advise. Please consult doctor before performing

Bhadrasana (The auspicious pose)

Bhadrasana strengthens hips & knees, reduces knee pain, relieves stomach stress, & benefits menstrual cycle & pregnancy. Avoid if you have acute arthritis or sciatica.


Ustrasana (The camel posture)

Ustrasana strengthens back & neck muscles, improves blood circulation in the head & chest, enhances eyesight, & reduces fat in the stomach & hips. Avoid if you have hernia, vertigo, arthritis, heart disease, hypertension, stomach injury, or if you are pregnant.


Vajrasana (The thunderbolt posture)

Vajrasana strengthens thigh & calf muscles, improves digestion, relieves lower back pain & sciatica, & helps straighten the spine. Avoid if you have knee or ankle pain or suffer from piles.


Shashankasana (The hare posture)

Shashankasana relieves constipation, improves digestion, & eases back pain. Precautions should be taken for high blood pressure & knee arthritis. Avoid if experiencing excessive back pain.


Vakrasana (The spinal twist posture)

Vakrasana enhances spinal flexibility, stimulates the pancreas for diabetes control, benefits the liver, & aids digestion. Avoid if experiencing severe back pain, spinal problems, slip disc, recent stomach surgery, or during the menstrual cycle.


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