Yoga Day 2023: 6 asanas  to boost your fitness goals

Moneycontrol News June 21, 2023

Practicing yoga can prove to be one of the best ways to stay fit. Here are 6 asanas that will help you in our fitness journey:

Considered the king of all asanas, it is a pose that involves balance on the head. It helps increase blood circulation in the body.


Bhujangasana or the cobra pose is performed to get relief from back pain while strengthening the spine and back muscles.


Trikonasana is a posture which helps to activate and strengthen the entire body and help enable improved balance.


Vajrasana is an ideal posture to sit in while doing breathing exercises. (Photo credit:


Named after the warrior Virabhadra, this pose helps to build strength in back, shoulders, thighs and arms.


A widely-recognised yoga pose, the Adho Mukha Svanasana helps to lengthen the spine and enhances blood circulation to the brain.

Adho Mukha Svanasana