Is It Time to Quit Your Job? Check for These 7 Alarming Signs

by priyanka roshan | july 1, 2024

lack of opportunities

You don’t see any room for advancement or skill development.

(Image: Canva)

constant burnout

You’re stressed, exhausted or mentally drained out due to work.

(Image: Canva)

toxic work environment

Your colleagues or superiors are constantly undermining you.

(Image: Canva)

lack of recognition

You feel undervalued and underappreciated.

(Image: Canva)

negative impact on health

Job-related stress affecting your physical or mental health.

(Image: Canva)

better opportunities

You find better job opportunity elsewhere that better aligns with your career goals.

(Image: Canva)

misalignment with company's value

You don’t see a future with the company or are not aligned with company’s values.

(Image: Canva)