Is the food you eat causing your period flow to be heavier?

Rich in iron, calcium, vitamins, potassium, folic acid and fibres, beetroot can worsen your situation, increasing the blood flow during periods.


Chocolate is fantastic for poor moods and cramps, but eating them while menstruating might cause heavy periods.


Honey raises your body's internal temperature, causing your period to be heavier than usual.


Caffeine in coffee stimulates oestrogen, making periods more painful.


Dairy products not only make periods difficult, but they also trigger inflammation.

Dairy products

During periods, our bodies are already on overdrive and exhausted. Introducing alcohol into your body will cause more harm than benefit.


While most soy products have only a modest estrogenic action, they will not benefit your hormonal balance during that time of the month.

Soy products

Sugar will most certainly increase negative mood swings, acne, and energy levels by playing with your blood sugar and cortisol levels. Avoid sugary food and drinks during periods.


Estrogenic pesticides present in processed foods can raise oestrogen levels in the body, which has been related to increased blood flow and incapacitating cramps.

Processed foods