Is your flight delayed?  9 things you can do at airports 

Use this occasion to buy souvenirs for loved ones or to treat yourself to something unique you've been wanting. Many establishments provide a tax-free shopping experience, which can lead to some significant savings.

Shop at the duty-free stores

Most airport lounges include comfortable chairs, calm environments, free wi-fi, and a selection of complimentary refreshments. The experience is worthwhile, particularly during lengthy flight delays.

Relax at the airport lounge

Airports serve as a unique global crossroads, bringing people from all over the world together. As such, a delayed trip can lead to new connections and friendships.

Make new friends

Reading a book is an excellent method to pass the time. If you are not carrying one, buy one from the airport bookstore.

Read a book

If you're not in the mood to read, try listening to a podcast. There are numerous podcasts available on a range of themes, so you'll be sure to find something that interests you.

Listen to a podcast

Bring a deck of cards and play a game with another passenger. This can help pass the time and meet new people.

Play cards

Enjoy a meal at one of the airport's eateries. Many airports have a wide range of dining alternatives, from quick food to fine dining.


Use the extra time to research your destination. You may seek for activities, restaurants, and other travel tips.

Research your trip

Many airports have free wi-fi, so if you have work to do, use the extra time to catch up on emails or other tasks.
