Producer: Peuli Bakshi

Jagadhatri Pujo 2023: Chandannagar & Mankundu At Their Best

Moran Road

The 'Katputli' (puppet) theme and the glossy artwork is the charm of this pandal.

Circus Math

The vibrant colours and beautiful dome-shaped pandal fetched it many awards.

Neogi Bagan

Architecture at it finest! The silver work in the entire pandal and diety looks ethereal.


The unique face of the Jagadhatri diety is the prime atrraction of this pujo.

Adi maa

Chaulpotti, Chandannagore's Adi Maa is the oldest pujo of the city. This pujo dates back to the 18th century.

Hatkhola Daibokpara

One of the most popular pujos of 2023, and is worth every bit of the hype.


Set in the royal theme, this pujo has amassed heaps of praises and awards.

Rani Maa

Tematha's Rani Maa is the tallest Jagadhatri diety among all.

Hatkhola Monshatola

With unique structures throughout the pandel, it looks surreal.

Mankundu Notunpara

The pandel is built of numerous kuccha house and rural population structures made of mud, representing their life.

Images: Peuli Bakshi