Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Nisha Dubey

Jaya Kishori’s 9 Inspirational Quotes 



Jaya Kishori, popularly known as ‘the Meera of the modern world’ is a famous Indian spiritual and motivational speaker who inspires the masses with her strong words.



Here are the top 10 inspirational quotes by Jaya Kishori.



"Be careful, sometimes going with the flow can drown you.” 



“Celebrate your little wins every day. Some days are sad, some are full of happiness. Life is all about balance. Never lose hope in yourself.”



“One tiny moment of courage will shatter the nervousness and negativity.”



 “Respect yourself enough to know nobody has the right to belittle you.”



“Always remember the reasons why certain relationships ended. Don’t get weak remembering only the good memories.”



“Shaming people because they are different from you is not cool.” 



“Your growth and negative thoughts cannot go together.” 



“You are never alone if you have yourself.”



“It is never too late to start a new life better than yesterday.”