How to stop craving for junk food

Moneycontrol News January 25, 2024

Stay hydrated

Drinking adequate amount of water everyday can help remain hydrated and prevent the craving for junk food.

Eating mindfully

Consuming your food slowly can help identify when the stomach is full, prevent overeating and in turn, stop the craving for junk food.

Eat balanced meals

Ensuring that your meals include a combination of carbohydrates and healthy fats can help keep you feeling full and satisfied and reduce the need to crave for junk food.

Choose healthier alternatives

If you're craving a specific type of junk food, look for healthier alternatives such as air-popped popcorn instead of buttered popcorn.

Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, leading to increased cravings for unhealthy foods.

Exercise regularly

Physical activity can help reduce junk food cravings and improve your mood.