Kalki - The 10th Avatar of Lord Vishnu

By Rajni Pandey | June 26, 2024

The Prophesied Savior

Kalki is prophesied to appear at the end of the current age of darkness and corruption, known as Kali Yuga. It is believed that he will restore righteousness and dharma, heralding a new era of truth and virtue.

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Riding a White Horse

Kalki is often depicted riding a magnificent white horse named Devadatta. This symbolizes purity, strength, and the swift eradication of evil.

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Wielding a Sword

Kalki is portrayed wielding a shining sword, representing his role as a destroyer of evil and protector of righteousness. This sword is said to be invincible, cutting through the darkness of ignorance and sin.

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Born in a Brahmin Family

According to ancient scriptures, Kalki will be born into a Brahmin family in the village of Shambhala. His parents, Vishnuyasha and Sumati, are said to be virtuous and devoted to Lord Vishnu.

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End of Kali Yuga

Kalki's arrival marks the end of Kali Yuga, the age characterized by moral decay, greed, and strife. His mission is to cleanse the world and usher in a new golden age, known as Satya Yuga or Krita Yuga.

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A Time of Great Upheaval

The period preceding Kalki's advent is foretold to be one of great turmoil, where humanity will face severe trials. Kalki's emergence will be a beacon of hope, promising the restoration of balance and justice.

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Universal King

Kalki is destined to become a universal king, ruling over a rejuvenated world with wisdom and compassion. His reign will bring peace, prosperity, and spiritual enlightenment to all beings.

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Symbol of Divine Intervention

Kalki represents the concept of divine intervention in times of dire need. His story emphasizes that the divine will always manifest to protect the good and vanquish evil, ensuring the cosmic order is maintained.

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A Future Yet to Unfold

While many of the avatars of Vishnu have already appeared according to Hindu tradition, Kalki's arrival remains a future event. This adds a layer of mystique and anticipation, as believers await the fulfillment of this ancient prophecy.

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