Harris vs Trump: Who leads in US election's swing states

By Vijay Anand


Published Sept  4, 2024

Arizona: US Vice President and Democrat nominee for the 2024 presidential election, Kamala Harris (45.6%) holds a wafer-thin, 0.9% lead over former President and Republican nominee Donald Trump in this crucial swing state, which carries 11 electoral college votes. Trump won Arizona by 3.5% in the 2020 election.

Georgia: Incumbent Joe Biden won this state by 0.23% in 2020, bagging its 16 electoral college votes and becoming the first Democrat since Bill Clinton in 1992 to win here. Two months before the 2024 election, Harris leads Trump 46.4%-45.9%.

Michigan: Michigan, the home of America’s automotive manufacturing, has long been a Democrat stronghold, except in 2016, when Trump won. Biden defeated Trump by 2.78% in 2020 to win Michigan’s 16 votes. As of September 3, Harris (45.8%) holds a 1.8% edge over Trump, who trails her at 44.3%.

Nevada: Home to the USA’s most famous deserts and casinos, Nevada has voted blue (Democrat) since 2008. The state, which carries six votes, also voted for the winner in all but two of the last 25 presidential elections going back 100 years, including in 2020, when Biden won by 2.39%. Harris is polling 46.4% in this swing state—a 2.1% lead over Trump.

North Carolina: Trump, who won here in 2020, leads Harris in the polls 46.2%-45.7%—the only swing state in which the former US president holds a lead. North Carolina, which has 15 electoral college votes, is a deep red state that has voted Republican 12 times since the 1968 election.

Pennsylvania: Kamala Harris leads this swing state by 1.1%. Harris is polling at 46.2% against Trump’s 45.1%. Pennsylvania has voted for the Republican Party more often than not, though it skewed Democrat in all but one election (2016) since 1992. The state holds 20 electoral college votes. Biden won this swing state by 1.17% in 2020.

Wisconsin: Harris enjoys her largest lead over Trump in this 10-vote swing state. The US vice president is polling 47.5%, a 3.2% lead over Trump (44.3%). Wisconsin, which has voted Republican 23 times in the 40 elections held since 1864, carries 10 electoral college votes. BIden won this swing state by a whisker—just 0.62%—in 2020.