Keep acidity at bay with these 10 natural methods

Drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice can help balance stomach acidity naturally.

Consuming a small amount of ginger can soothe the stomach and reduce acid production.  

Eating bananas can help neutralise stomach acid and prevent acid reflux symptoms. 

Aloe vera juice is known to calm the stomach lining and reduce acid levels.

Chewing fennel seeds after meals aids digestion and helps control acid production.

Incorporating oatmeal into your diet can absorb stomach acid and reduce acidity issues.  

Drinking coconut water provides relief from acidity and cools the stomach.  

Avoiding spicy and fried foods helps prevent excess acid production and reduces acidity symptoms.

Consuming raw almonds can help neutralise stomach acid and relieve acidity symptoms.

Drinking buttermilk after meals can soothe the stomach and prevent acidity.