Keep it Natural: 10 home remedies to get rid of the sun tan

Lemon Juice: Apply lemon juice to affected areas to lighten skin and reduce tan lines.

Aloe Vera: Soothe sunburn and fade tans with the cooling properties of aloe vera gel.

Cucumber: Place chilled cucumber slices on sun-exposed skin to hydrate and soothe irritation.

Potato: Rub raw potato slices or potato paste on tanned skin to lighten pigmentation.

Yogurt: Apply a yogurt mask to cool and moisturise skin while reducing the appearance of the tan.

Tomato: Massage tomato pulp onto your skin to remove the tan and brighten your complexion.

Oatmeal: Gently exfoliate with an oatmeal scrub to slough off dead skin cells and fade tan.

Coconut Oil: Massage coconut oil onto tanned skin to hydrate and promote skin renewal.

Turmeric Paste: Mix turmeric powder with milk or honey to create a tan-reducing paste.

Green Tea: Soak in a bath infused with green tea bags to soothe sunburn and reduce tan lines.

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