Keep Peacock Feathers at These Places to Attract Luck & Wealth

By Archisha Yadav | September 4, 2024

Place peacock feathers near the entrance to invite prosperity and ward off negative energies. It is believed to attract positive vibes, bringing good fortune into your home.

Image: Canva

Entrance of Your Home

Keeping peacock feathers in your cash box or Safe is thought to enhance wealth and financial stability. It symbolises the safeguarding and growth of your money.

Image: Canva

Cash Box or Safe

Place peacock feathers on your study or work desk to boost focus and productivity. It is believed to bring success in academic or professional endeavours.

Image: Canva

Study or Work Desk

Display peacock feathers in the living room to create a peaceful and harmonious environment. It is believed to attract happiness and maintain positivity in the household.

Image: Canva

Living Room

Keep peacock feathers in the worship area to enhance spiritual energy. It is considered auspicious and thought to bring blessings and divine protection.

Image: Canva

Worship Area

Placing peacock feathers in the bedroom is believed to improve relationships and bring marital bliss. It symbolises love, harmony, and happiness in personal life.

Image: Canva


Placing peacock feathers in the garden or balcony is thought to bring natural beauty and abundance. It symbolises growth, prosperity, and a connection with nature.

Image: Canva

Garden or Balcony