Life lessons from 10 philosophers

The ageless wisdom that the great minds of ancient civilisations left behind is priceless. Philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, imparted profound truths that have endured throughout history.

Socrates: “Know Thyself”: Discuss the importance of self-awareness and introspection, emphasising how it helps in personal and professional growth.

Confucius: “Respect and Harmony”: Explore the value of respect in relationships and how Confucian ideals promote social harmony.

Aristotle: “The Golden Mean”: Introduce the concept of balance and moderation in life choices and behaviour.

Marcus Aurelius: “The Art of Stoicism”: Provide insights into stoic practices and their application in managing stress and adversity.

Nietzsche: “The Power of Will”: Discuss the concept of the ‘will to power’ and how determination shapes our destiny.

Kant: “Moral Imperatives”: Talk about the importance of ethical decision-making and personal responsibility.

Simone de Beauvoir: “Freedom and Feminism”: Address the ideas of freedom, feminism and how her philosophy empowers modern gender discourse.

Lao Tzu: “The Way of Simplicity”: Reflect on the teachings of Taoism and the benefits of living simply and naturally.

Jean-Paul Sartre: “Existence Precedes Essence”: Encapsulates the idea that individuals first exist, encounter themselves and emerge in the world and only then define their essence or nature through actions and choices.

Epictetus: "It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters" - Focus on what you can control.

Animals that  turn white during winter