Make 2024 the Year of Self-Love with these 9 beauty resolutions

Hydration is vital. Not only you should drink plenty of water, but also incorporate moisturising products into your skincare. 


Simplify your beauty regimen by focusing on essential products that enhance your natural features. A minimalist makeup approach can do wonders

Embrace beauty minimalism

Step out of your comfort zone by experimenting with new makeup shades, expressing creativity and enjoying the art of self-expression.

Play with makeup colours

Explore homemade beauty remedies using natural ingredients. They will benefit your skin more than any other cosmetics. 

DIY beauty treatments

Prioritise skin protection by making sunscreen application part of your daily routine. This will shield you from harmful UV rays.

Don’t forget the sunscreen

Opt for eco-friendly options, choosing products with minimal environmental impact and sustainable packaging.

Adopt sustainable beauty

Designate specific periods to disconnect from screens, allowing your skin to rejuvenate without the influence of blue light.

Go on a digital break

Take a moment to admire and affirm your uniqueness. Stand in front of the mirror, appreciate yourself and foster self-love and confidence.

A self-appreciation ritual

Don’t leave makeup on overnight. Add a nightly routine to cleanse your face. This will enable your skin to breathe and regenerate, preventing long-term damage.

Be consistent with makeup removal

Sleep for sufficient hours at night to allow your body and skin to rest, repair and rejuvenate.

Prioritise beauty sleep