Maximise Nutrition: 10 cooking mistakes to avoid for healthier meals

Extended boiling can strip vegetables of vital nutrients; opt for gentler methods like steaming or roasting to retain their nutritional value.

Overcooking Vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables have nutrient-rich skins; keep them whenever possible after thorough washing.

Peeling and Discarding Skins

Excessive heat and prolonged cooking break down essential nutrients; use moderate heat and shorter cooking times.

High Heat and Long Cooking Times

While fats aid nutrient absorption, using too much oil can lead to a calorie-dense meal; use healthier oils in moderation.

Excessive Oil and Fats

Excess salt can mask natural flavours and harm health; use herbs and spices for flavour enhancement.

Adding Too Much Salt

Over-rinsing grains may remove vital B vitamins; follow package instructions and avoid excessive rinsing.

Rinsing Grains and Rice

Plastic containers can leach chemicals into food when microwaved; use microwave-safe glass or ceramic.

Microwaving Food in Plastic

Overcooking meats can create harmful compounds; cook to recommended temperatures but avoid overdoing it.

Overcooking Protein

Canned vegetables often contain added salt; opt for low-sodium or no-salt-added versions.

Using Canned Vegetables with Added Salt

Fresh, seasonal ingredients typically offer higher nutrient content and better taste; prioritize local, in-season produce.

Ignoring Seasonal and Fresh Produce