5 Memory Hacks Exam Toppers WON'T Tell You (But We Will!)



June 19, 2024

1. Elaboration

Understand, Don't Just Memorise

Source: Canva

Connect new facts to what you already know. Create a story, picture, or scenario to help you remember new information by linking it to familiar ideas.

2. Practice Retrieval

Test Yourself

Source: Canva

Don't just read over your notes. Use flashcards, take practice quizzes, or try explaining the material out loud to reinforce your memory.

3. Spaced Repetition

Spread Out Your Study Sessions

Source: Canva

Avoid cramming. Instead, review the material at increasing intervals—like the next day, a week later, and then a month later—to better retain the information over time.

4. Mnemonic Devices

Use Memory Aids

Source: Canva

Create easy-to-remember tricks like acronyms, rhymes, or funny sentences to help you recall lists or facts.

5. Sleep on It

Get Plenty of Sleep

Source: Canva

Sleeping well helps your brain solidify memories. Avoid staying up all night before a test; get enough rest to reinforce what you’ve studied.