Mental Health Day 2023:  9 tips for students to protect their well-being

Maintain a daily schedule with regular sleep patterns, mealtimes, and study hours to provide a sense of stability.

Establish a consistent routine

Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga reduce stress and foster calmness.

Relaxation techniques

Exercise releases endorphins, which can enhance mood and reduce anxiety.

Stay physically active

Consume nutritious meals to fuel your body and mind, while limiting your caffeine and sugar intake, which can have a detrimental impact on your mood.

Maintain a balanced diet

Talk to friends and family members, as social support is crucial for mental well-being. Don’t hesitate to confide in someone you trust about your feelings.

Stay connected

Break down your tasks into attainable targets, and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may appear.

Set realistic goals

Be totally present in the moment, as mindfulness helps reduce anxiety and improve mental clarity.

Practise mindfulness

Always emphasise getting an adequate eight-nine hours of sleep. Lack of sleep can exacerbate problems such as depression, stress, and anxiety.

Sleep well

Spend some time doing something you actually enjoy. Every day, whether for five minutes or more, having some fun will help relieve stress and focus your attention and concentration

Have fun