Milky Boost: 8 foods to combine with milk for more energy

Dry fruits  Nuts and dry fruits should be combined with milk to enhance their taste. Nuts contain protein, vitamins, minerals and more.

Turmeric powder Curcumin in turmeric is a bioactive compound with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Its absorption is enhanced when combined with milk.

Honey and maple syrup Maple syrup is rich in minerals and antioxidants while honey has antimicrobial qualities. When they are combined with milk, a healthy concoction is made which improves taste and nutrition.

Cinnamon  Cinnamon can also be a healthy herb that you can add to your warm glass of milk and enjoy the benefits. The compounds present in cinnamon can manage cholesterol levels.

Ginger The heavenly combination of ginger and milk comes along with amazing health benefits. This combination helps in relieving cough, cold, and nausea, reduces inflammation and improves digestive functions.

Jaggery  Instead of adding sugar, consider opting for jaggery for a sweet flavour in your milk. Adding jaggery to milk can boost immunity, increase the amount of nutrients in it, and provide relief from stomach aches and menstrual cramps.

Fruits Fruit smoothies or shakes not only make milk tasty but also improve its nutritional value. You can use an array of fruits like bananas, berries, and pineapples among others. 

Cereals  A bowl of breakfast cereal and milk provides at least 25 per cent of the recommended intake of 6 B-group vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and Vitamin D. It also provides protein.

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