Mindful Eating: Healthy food habits you must follow

Mindful Eating Defined:  Appreciate each bite, savor flavors, and focus on the present moment for a satisfying dining experience

Present-Moment Awareness:   Engage fully in eating, paying attention to textures, smells, and tastes to enhance overall enjoyment

Savoring Flavors and Textures:  Embrace the sensory journey of food, relishing the diverse tastes and textures in each mouthful

Slowing Down:  Opt for a relaxed pace while eating, promoting better digestion and fostering a mindful connection with meals

Recognizing Hunger and Fullness: Tune in to bodily cues, discerning genuine hunger and knowing when you're comfortably satisfied

Limiting Distractions: Minimize external influences during meals to enhance focus on the eating experience and avoid mindless consumption

Appreciating Nutritional Value: Choose foods based on health benefits, emphasizing nourishment and overall well-being in your dietary choices