Published Apr 11, 2024

Modi Mango: India’s new premium fruit set to shake up market

By Vivek Dubey

India’s Modi Mango, named after the Prime Minister, is set to revolutionise the mango market with its superior taste and size.

Modi Mango Arrival

The Modi Mango, named after Indian PM, is set to hit the market soon, offering a taste superior to traditional mango varieties.

Threat to Existence

The arrival of the Modi Mango could threaten the existence of traditional mango varieties like Dasheri, Langda, and Chausa.

Superior Taste

The Modi Mango is said to be several times tastier than traditional mango varieties, making it a delightful treat for mango lovers.

Filling Fruit

The Modi Mango is so solid that eating just one can fill your stomach, making it a unique addition to the mango world.

Premium Pricing

Given its namesake and superior qualities, the Modi Mango is expected to fetch a higher price in the market than other varieties.

Certified Quality

The Central Subtropical Horticulture Institute has issued a certificate to the Modi Mango, validating its quality and taste.

Market Debut

The Modi Mango is set to make its market debut this year, allowing mango enthusiasts to savour its unique taste.

Bigger Size

The Modi Mango is significantly larger than traditional mango varieties like Dasheri, Langda, and Chausa.

Distinctive Taste

The Modi Mango offers a taste that is distinct from all other mango varieties, setting it apart in the mango world.

Mango Festival Appearance

The Modi Mango is likely to be showcased at the annual Mango Festival held between July and August.