Enjoy the rains with these 10 monsoon travel tips

Published by: CNBC-TV18.com

During the monsoon season, travelers embrace the opportunity to explore destinations and enjoy the delightful rainy weather. Here are some essential tips for traveling in the rain.

Check Weather Updates 

Be aware of any potential storms or heavy rainfall that might affect your travel plans.

Stay Hydrated 

Remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

Protect Your Electronic Devices 

Use waterproof bags or covers to protect your electronics

Protect Yourself From Water Borne Diseases 

Carry bottled water and avoid unreliable water sources to prevent waterborne diseases like dengue, malaria, and cholera.

Be Careful On Slippery Surface

Wet surfaces can be slippery, so be cautious when walking on wet floors

Be Aware Of Local Conditions

Be aware of local weather to stay safe while travelling

Plan Your Transportation Wisely 

Consider travelling on alternative routes and modes of transport if necessary

Use Insect Repellent

Apply insect repellent to protect yourself from mosquito bites

Pack Proper Clothing

Pack lightweight, quick-drying clothes that are suitable for humid conditions.

Have a Back up Plan

Have a backup plan in case the weather gets worse

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