Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

National Birds Day 2024: 5 Most Beautiful Birds in the World

Mandarin Duck

This Asian stunner is a kaleidoscope of vibrant feathers. The male boasts a chestnut crest, emerald green neck, and a dazzling array of orange, purple, white, and blue plumage. Their elegant sails and intricate markings make them a sight to behold.

Resplendent Quetzal

This emerald jewel of the Americas lives up to its name with its shimmering green body and breathtakingly long tail feathers that can reach up to three feet! During courtship displays, males raise their tails like a shimmering banner, creating a truly mesmerizing spectacle.

Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise

This flamboyant New Guinean native takes the art of avian fashion to new heights. The male’s velvety black body is adorned with a vivid scarlet plume that unfurls like a dancer’s skirt during elaborate courtship displays. Their intricate featherwork and mesmerizing movements are a true feast for the eyes.

Gouldian Finch

These Australian finches are like tiny living rainbows. Their feathers are a kaleidoscope of red, yellow, blue, and green, making them look like jewels plucked from a fairytale. Their playful nature and vibrant colors make them a joy to watch flitting through the trees.

Victoria Crowned Pigeon

This regal inhabitant of New Guinea is the largest pigeon species in the world. Their iridescent blue heads are topped with a delicate lace-like crown of white feathers, and their bodies are adorned with intricate patterns of blue, green, and maroon. They exude an air of regality that befits their name.