Natural energy booster, detoxifier, and more – discover the cooling goodness of Gulkand

By Priyanka Deshpande

Published May 21, 2024

Gulkand, a traditional Indian sweet made from rose petals, is not only delicious but also offers numerous health benefits during summer. Here are 10 reasons to include it in your summer diet:

Known for its cooling properties, Gulkand is a great remedy for reducing body heat, preventing heat strokes, nosebleeds, and excessive sweating.

1. Natural Coolant

Gulkand promotes digestion and can help relieve acidity, bloating, and constipation, which often worsen in summer.

2. Aids Digestion

Rich in antioxidants, the rose petals in Gulkand help neutralise free radicals in the body, boosting overall health and protecting your skin from UV damage.

3. Rich in Antioxidants

Gulkand can lead to glowing skin by reducing inflammation and redness, while its antioxidants help fight acne and other skin issues.

4. Enhances Skin Health

A natural energy booster, Gulkand instantly lifts fatigue and lethargy common in hot weather with its blend of sugar and rose petals.

5. Boosts Energy Levels

Gulkand, with its natural sugar content and water-retentive properties, helps maintain hydration levels, keeping you refreshed.

6. Improves Hydration

The aromatic compounds in rose petals have a calming effect on the nervous system which can help reduce stress and anxiety.

7. Relieves Stress and Anxiety

Beneficial for respiratory health, Gulkand's anti-inflammatory properties can soothe sore throats and reduce symptoms of respiratory infections common during seasonal changes.

8. Supports Respiratory Health

Gulkand aids detoxification by flushing out toxins, cleansing the digestive tract, and improving liver function.

9. Natural Detoxifier

Gulkand provides relief for menstrual discomfort with its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties, reducing cramps and pain naturally.

10. Alleviates Menstrual Discomfort

Disclaimer: Suggestions are for informational purposes. Please consult a qualified nutritionist or doctor before incorporating dietary changes.

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