New year resolutions

Lifestyle tweaks for a fitter, healthier you 

Moneycontrol News | January 1, 2024 | Images: Canva

Take a walk: Engage in 30 minutes  of moderate exercise daily, as recommended by health experts,  to promote cardiovascular health  and mental well-being

Munch mindfully: Say no to unhealthy eating habits and opt for healthier alternatives. Eat colourful fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients

Taste the waters: Stay hydrated  to flush out toxins, supports joint  health, and aids in skin elasticity,  thus promoting your well-being

Sleep tight: Sleep for at least 7-9 hours every night to improve cognitive abilities, stabilise mood, and to boost immunity. It aids in regulating emotions and reducing the risk of mental health issues

Take a breather: Engage in deep breathing exercises or meditation to reduce stress hormone levels and anxiety symptoms, and improve your emotional well-being

Ctrl+Alt+Delete screen time: Cut back on screen exposure to enhance sleep quality as prolonged screen exposure disturbs the body's circadian rhythm, affecting the natural sleep-wake cycle

Get social, ditch social feed: Focus on in-person relationships and social bonds. Maintain meaningful connections and engage in social interactions to reduce issues such as depression and anxiety