No Dumbbells?  Try these 9 household items instead

Fill two water bottles with equal amounts of water or sand can create makeshift weights. You can adjust the weight by adding or removing water.

Water Bottles

Cans of soup, vegetables, or other pantry items can serve as small hand weights. They are easy to grip and come in various weights.

Canned Goods

Empty laundry detergent bottles are sturdy and have handles, making them excellent for bicep curls and other exercises.

Laundry Detergent Bottles 

Fill a backpack with books, clothing, or other heavy items, and wear it as a weighted vest or use it for squats and lunges.


A bucket with a handle can be filled with water to create a weighted object.


Fill reusable shopping bags with books, groceries, or other items and use them as weights for exercises like lunges or squats.

Reusable Shopping Bags

Roll up a towel or bedsheet tightly and hold it with both hands for resistance during exercises like chest presses.

Towel or Bedsheet

Furniture sliders can be used under your feet or hands for exercises that engage various muscle groups.

Furniture Sliders

Smaller items like soup cans or bags of rice can be used for wrist and forearm exercises or to add resistance to leg lifts.

Soup Cans or Rice Bags

Chairs can be used for step-ups, tricep dips, or as support during exercises like planks.
