No More Office Zzzzs... 10 ways to manage sleepiness at work

Caffeine Caffeine has been proven to boost your energy. Caffeine, a stimulant, increases activity in the brain and nervous system and helps you fight sleep.

Power nap A quick nap can be just the thing for your afternoon drowsiness. A 15 or 30-minute nap might give you enough energy to power through the day. 

Light exercise Walking or light stretching exercises help to get the blood flowing in the body. This will help to keep sleepiness at bay.

Listen to music Listening to music can help wake up your brain. Plugging into some upbeat music will not just make you less sleepy but will increase your productivity. 

Splash cold water Splashing cold water on your face will water provide a much-needed pick-me-up.

Stay busy Without much to do, you may start to feel even more tired. Asking for some light responsibilities at work will help keep the brain alert. 

Avoid a heavy lunch Consuming a heavy lunch can lead to a feeling of drowsiness and lethargy. Opt for a balanced, portion-controlled meal to maintain steady energy levels. 

Get enough sleep at night Getting the required seven to nine hours of sleep each night will help you not feel drowsy at work. 

Stay out of bed For days when you are working from home, try to stay out of bed. Staying in bed can make you sleepy easily.

Go to bed earlier Another way of fighting sleepiness is by going to bed earlier than your regular time. Gradually adjusting your sleep schedule is often more effective than suddenly trying to go to bed earlier.

8 ways to prevent sleep wrinlkes