Not dog friendly: 10 foods you shouldn’t feed your pooches

Avocado  Avocados contain persin. Too much of this can cause vomiting or diarrhoea in dogs. If you grow avocados at home, keep your dog away from the plants.

Onion and garlic Keep onions and garlic from your dog. They can kill their red blood cells, causing anaemia. Eating a lot just once can cause poisoning.

Chocolates Chocolates or sweetened snacks contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener. This is life-threatening for dogs as it can lead to acute liver disease and blood clotting.

Grapes Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. Just a small amount can make a dog sick. The dog will begin to puke and eventually get sluggish and depressed.

Dairy products Sharing your ice cream with your dog may seem like a good option on hot summer days but it can be lethal for the animal. Milk and milk-based products can cause diarrhoea and other digestive problems for your pup.

Bones Even though it seems natural to give a dog a bone, they can choke on it. Bones can also splinter and block or cause cuts in your dog's digestive system.

Raw eggs Some people feed their dogs a "raw diet" that includes uncooked eggs. There is a chance of food poisoning from bacteria like salmonella or E.coli.

Salt It’s not a good idea to share salty foods like chips or pretzels with your dog. This makes the dog thirsty, which can lead to sodium poisoning. 

Your medicine Dogs shouldn't take your medicine. And, never give your dog any over-the-counter medicine unless your vet tells you to. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen present in medicine can be deadly for dogs.

Raw potatoes Raw potatoes contain solanine that can cause diarrhoea vomiting and confusion in dogs.

7 foods to consume after food poisoning to heal your gut