Nutritious Whole Wheat Soya Naan Recipe

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Manuj Yadav

   Ingredients    1 cup whole wheat flour    1/2 cup soy flour    1 tsp sugar    1/2 tsp dry yeast    2 tbsp curd    1/2 tsp oil    Salt to taste    1 1/2 tsp butter for brushing

Combine the sugar, dry yeast and 1/4 cup of water in a small bowl. Cover and keep aside for 10 minutes.

Combine the whole wheat flour, soya flour, yeast-sugar mixture, oil and salt in a deep bowl and knead into a soft dough using approx 1/2 cup water.

Cover the dough with a lid and keep aside for 1 hour. Following which, divide the dough into 6 equal portions.

Press a portion of the dough flat on a rolling board. Roll out into an oblong of 6" using a little whole wheat flour for rolling.

Heat a non-stick tava and cook the naan on one side till it puffs slightly and then turn over.

Cook it on the other side till it puffs a little and then roast it on an open flame till it turns golden brown in colour from both the sides. Repeat to make 5 other naans.

Brush each soya naan with 1/4 tsp of butter and serve immediately.