Odisha Train Accident: What passengers need to know from CAG’s investigation

Published by: Vivek Dubey

The CAG report on the Odisha train accident has revealed key safety concerns for passengers. From track maintenance to fire extinguishers, here’s what you need to know:

Track Recording Cars inspections fell short by 30-100% in assessing railway track conditions.

Track machines idled due to blocks not given (32%), not planned (30%), operational problems (19%), staff unavailability (5%), and no work scope (3%).

Analysis of 1,129 derailment accidents revealed 24 factors and Rs 32.96 crore in damages.

422 derailments were due to the Engineering Department, with track maintenance (171 cases) and deviation of track parameters (156 cases) as major factors.

182 derailments were due to the Mechanical Department, with wheel diameter variation and coach/wagon defects as major factors (37%).

154 accidents were due to Loco Pilots, with bad driving/over speeding as the major factor.

275 accidents were due to the Operating Department, with incorrect point setting and shunting mistakes accounting for 84%.

63% of inquiry reports were not submitted on time and 49% were delayed in acceptance.

Expenditure on Priority-I works declined from 81.55% in 2017-18 to 73.76% in 2019-20, with track renewal funds decreasing from Rs 9,607.65 crore to Rs 7,417 crore.

Track renewal funds were not fully utilized and 26% of 1,127 derailments during 2017-21 were linked to track renewals.

62% of coaches lacked fire extinguishers in violation of norms.

Of 2,908 manned level crossings targeted for elimination during 2018-21, only 70% were eliminated.

Indian Railways should strictly adhere to accident inquiry timelines.


Indian Railways should develop a monitoring mechanism for timely track maintenance using mechanized methods and improved technologies.

Railway Administration should follow Rashtriya Rail Sanraksha Kosh (RRSK) fund deployment principles to avoid fund constraints for Priority-I works.

Indian Railways should prepare a Detailed Outcome Framework for safety work to gauge RRSK fund benefits and conformity with objectives.

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