Onions, baking soda and more: 9 kitchen staples that can combat dandruff

Tea tree oil Known for its antifungal and antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil can help combat dandruff-causing bacteria.

Coconut oil Known for its endless health benefits, coconut oil nourishes the scalp and removes dandruff.

Aloe vera The soothing aloe vera soothes the scalp irritation and its antibacterial properties keep the dandruff away.

Apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar has acidic properties, which help balance the pH of the scalp and reduces the growth of dandruff.

Baking soda Surprisingly, this common kitchen ingredient has antifungal properties which help fight dandruff and reduce scalp irritation and itchiness.

Yoghurt Probiotic-rich yoghurt contains certain bacteria which fight dandruff causing fungal infections.

Lemon juice The citric acid in lemon juice is mild which removes dandruff cause fungus and restores the pH of your scalp.

Onion The sulphur compound present in onion can be very helpful in removing dandruff as it fights against the dandruff-causing fungus.

Banana The antimicrobial properties of bananas promote dandruff-free and healthy scalp. It also adds shine to your hair.

Keep your house spic and span with these kitchen staples