India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, with a vibrant corporate sector that is driving the country's growth & development.

Here’s a look at women’s representation in India at the top levels of corporate leadership.

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) has 2,041 companies listed on it...

But only a 100 of these have a woman as a Managing Director (MD) or a Chief Executive Officer (CEO)...

The total number of directorships held by Women as MD/CEO is 109...

While, the total number of directorships held by women is 3,088.

1,986 companies have women directors. This translates to only 55 out of the 2000-odd NSE-listed firms...

And 1,667 companies have women as independent directors.

The number of Independent Directorships held by women are 1,995.

The total number of women individuals according to the data is 2,448.