Top 5 Most Delicious Traditional Parsi Dishes

Producer: Mehak Pal  Editor: Aparna Singh

Patra Ni Machchi

Patra ni machchi is fish wrapped in banana leaf and topped with green chutney. It is perfectly steamed and will undoubtedly leave your taste buds wanting for more.

Sali Par Eedu

When in doubt, break an eedu (egg), according to the Parsi culinary adage. The community loves eedu so much that they can cook it in several ways. The most popular dish is sali par eedu, which is made with egg and potato.

Sali Marghi

How come a simple chicken curry never fails to make us salivate? Sali marghi is a chicken-based meal with soft flesh wrapped in a spicy onion and tomato masala and topped with crunchy fried potato chips.

Lagan Nu Custard

If you like English custard, you must try this delectable delicacy. Lagan nu custard, made from condensed milk, egg, sugar, and milk is flavoured with cardamom and has a faint punch of nutmeg, giving it a distinct Parsi flavour.

Parsi Sev

This delicious delicacy, made with roasted vermicelli and topped with fried raisins, cashews, and almonds can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, supper, tea-time, or any other time the belly growls.