Plant Talk: 10 easy tips to protect your plants in the summer from drying up

Water in the morning It is best to water your plants during the early morning before the sun's rays turn too harsh.

Use a mulch Apply mulch, a paste of shredded leaves, straw and coconut husk, around the plants to retain moisture. This also helps to regulate the temperature of the soil.

Shade your plants Harsh sunlight is not good for the plants. Thus, it is advisable to shade your plants during mid-afternoon. One can use either plastic or cloth.

Avoid over-watering your garden Heat and sun exposure can cause transpiration on your overwatered plants, which can lead to wilting of leaves.

Weed garden regularly It is best to weed your garden so that the soil can absorb all water and other ingredients easily.

Prevent stagnant water  It is best to prevent stagnant water in your garden as it will become a hub for mosquitos.

Do not re-pot plants during a heatwave Re-potting is stressful for a plant and doing that in the middle of a hot day can be very stressful for the plant.

Do not fertilise during hot days It is best to avoid fertilising your plant during a heatwave as it can leave it stressed. It will be advisable to add fertiliser to the plant once The weather turns a bit cooler.

Learn to recognise stress It is always beneficial to recognise the problems of the plants. One can notice the common signs of stress in their plants.

Trim the dead branches Trimming the dead branches is an essential part of gardening. It can help promote plant health and growth.

Plants that can be eaten