Plant Talk: 10 hacks that will make your dying plants come alive

Check for signs of life First things first, check whether the plant is alive or not. Look for stems that can be revived. 

Remove dead or dry leaves It is important to get rid of dry or dead leaves, stems or other parts so that the plant gives nutrients to only the healthy ones.

Check your watering habits A plant can die due to both over and under watering. If this is the case, then regulate the watering habits according to the plant's need.

Adjust light Ensure that the plant is getting proper sunlight as they require it to grow. Shift it to another place if it is getting less sunlight.

Check for pests Pests can cause plants' health to decline. Check the plants closely and take measures if pests are present on the plant. 

Adjust humidity levels Many indoor plants thrive in higher humidity levels. Thus, increasing the humidity of levels in your home might help.

Consider repotting you plant Plants often outgrow their pots and their roots begin to coil into one another. Thus, keep changing the pots from time to time.

Change the soil Plants often use up the nutrients and organic matter present in the soil over time and lose the ability to store water and minerals. Thus, change the soil from time to time. 

Give it time Give the plant time to revive itself from any form of stress. Be patient and trying to overfix the problem. 

Fertilise appropriately A lack of nutrients can cause plants to weaken, so, use a balanced and water-soluble fertiliser to provide nutrients. Only fertilise during the plant's active growing season.

Flowers that change colour naturally