July 25, 2024


10 Plants That Attract Snakes To Your House

Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis)

Image Source: Canva

Orchids can attract insects such as bees and butterflies. Snakes might come near areas with high insect activity, as these insects can attract small prey that snakes feed on.


Image Source: Canva

This plant emits a strong citrus scent that can attract insects. Additionally, its dense growth can attract rodents, which are a common food source for snakes.

Pineapple Sage

Image Source: Canva

Known for its vibrant red flowers, this plant attracts hummingbirds and insects. Snakes might be drawn to the area because of the increased insect activity, which could attract small animals.

Lemon Balm

Image Source: Canva

Lemon balm’s strong lemon scent can attract a variety of insects, including those that serve as prey for snakes. The plant’s dense foliage can also offer hiding spots for small animals.


Image Source: Canva

Hostas provide dense, shady areas that can be attractive to small creatures seeking shelter. These creatures, such as insects and rodents, can attract snakes looking for food or a place to hide.


Image Source: Canva

Mint is known for its strong aroma, which attracts insects like ants and flies. The insects can, in turn, attract snakes that hunt for these smaller creatures.

Sweet Potato Vine

Image Source: Canva

This plant’s sprawling, dense foliage provides excellent cover for small animals. Snakes might be drawn to the area because of the shelter and food sources provided by the animals living there.


Image Source: Canva

Comfrey is known for its broad leaves and ability to attract insects such as bees and butterflies. The plant’s cover also provides hiding spots for small animals, which can attract snakes.

Lily of the Valley

Image Source: Canva

This plant creates a dense ground cover that can provide shelter for insects and small animals. The presence of these animals can attract snakes, as they are a food source.

Ground Covers like Creeping Charlie

Image Source: Canva

Ground covers can create a dense, shaded environment that offers shelter for small animals and insects. This can attract snakes looking for a place to hide and hunt.