Power Saving: 8 tips to reduce your electricity bills

Switch to LED bulbs These consume less energy than traditional ones and will also last longer. This makes it cost effective choice for use in your home. 

Unplug devices Devices and appliances draw power even when they are turned off or in standby mode. Unplug them when not in use to eliminate ‘phantom’ energy consumption.

Use energy efficient appliances  Invest in energy efficient appliances with high Energy Stars ratings. They consume less electricity while performing the same tasks as their less efficient counterparts. 

Improve home insulation Proper wall insulation helps to maintain indoor temperatures. This also reduces the workload on heating and cooling systems and reduces bills. 

Air dry clothes Dry your clothes the traditional way. Avoid using the dryer as it increases your electricity bill a lot. This also extends the life of your clothes.

Use power strips Plugging multiple devices into a power outlet can be dangerous. When you are not using the strip, switch it off and it will ensure all connected devices are shut down saving standby power.

Use solar energy Switching to solar energy and installing solar panels can be a much cheaper option. The initial investment can be high but it is cost effective in the long run.

Set the right AC temperature Maintaining the temperature of your AC at 24 degrees Celsius will optimise cooling and conserve energy during the summer season.

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