10 Ways To Practice Self-care

Walk around in the park or read your favourite book to relax.

Take time for yourself

Celebrate yourself and your victories no matter how small.

Celebrate your achievements

Sleeping 7 to 9 hours will charge your body and mind for the next day.

Prioritise sleep

Physical activities like yoga or strength training will help you release endorphins, resulting in reduced stress.

Working out

A healthy and balanced diet is the key to a fulfilling life. 

Eat Healthy

Spend time with people who matter to you and make you feel comfortable. 


Organising can be a way to relax. Clean your room, organise your desk.

Organising and decluttering

If you are not into something, say no and move on to better things in life.

Learn to say NO

While social media is a great way to connect, it is important to take breaks from it to detox your mind.

Limit time on social media

If you are struggling to manage or cope with your feelings, seek professional help.

Professional help