Protein boost: Ingredients to add to your chapatis to increase protein

7 ingredients atta Mix flax seeds, oats, brown rice, urad dal, green moong dal and methi, ragi, jowar, sattu and grind them together. This flour contains a greater portion of Omega-3 fatty acids than normal whole wheat. 

Mixed sprouts and bajra roti Sprouts are a storehouse of nutrition and give your system a strong boost of vitamins, and minerals. These rotis help to improve metabolism and do not cause acidity. 

Multigrain roti Jowar flour is a complex carb that gets absorbed slowly into the blood. It helps to prevent insulin spikes while bajra is a high protein source for vegetarians and ragi is gluten-free. This roti is good for diabetics and heart patients.

Add protein powder One of the best and easiest ways to add more protein to the roti. Just add a scoop of the powder to the atta and then make rotis like usual. 

Add legumes Legumes like kidney beans, green peas, chickpeas among others contain a huge amount of peptides. These help to lower blood pressure.

Add spinach Want to become strong? Add spinach to your chapatis and make them palak chapatis. Two palak chapatis can give you 4.2 g of protein. 

Bhakri Opt out your flour for almond powder and make bhakris out of them. These will be brimming with protein. 

Paneer paratha Why have chapatis when you can have paneer parathas? Paneer parathas are packed with protein and can help you power on through the day.

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