Moneycontrol News | June 24, 2024
A protein-rich diet has many proven benefits, but there is still a lot of confusion around the vital nutrient, and how it can best be used to achieve your health, fitness, and weight loss goals
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Here is a simple list of dos and don'ts that you can keep in mind to make sure your protein intake is in accordance to your bodily needs
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Contrary to common belief, don't consume all your protein towards the end of the day. Several studies have shown that spreading your protein intake throughout the day does you more good
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Add protein in certain amounts to your breakfast, lunch, evening snacks, and dinner as per your body’s requirements. This will slow down the release of carbohydrates into sugar in your bloodstream
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The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) specify that the requirement for dietary protein for all individuals aged 19 years and above is 0.8 grams per kg of body weight
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But that is just half the knowledge you need to know how much protein you require. Other factors like age, muscle mass, and activity level also play a part in determining the amount you must consume daily
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Incorporate different protein sources into your diet to make sure you benefit from them in different ways. Consume whole foods like nuts, seeds, dairy, red and white meats, eggs, chicken, and organic non-farmed fish
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Consuming excess protein can harm your health since it might cause a metabolic burden on your kidneys, bones, and liver, and additionally, result in coronary heart disease due to high saturated fat intake
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Proteins in different food groups differ in quality and amino acid content. Meat, for instance, is also packed with saturated fat alongside protein (so you must pick only lean meat)
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While fish is rich in protein and vitamins and low in saturated fats. However, it’s an ideal source of omega fats
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Consuming protein from all food groups ensures you don’t overindulge in a particular type
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Protein is among the best foods that can help you lose weight. It is a fast-filling food that makes you feel full for longer
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You can easily stay full for an extended time period after consuming protein. ̧But do make sure to maintain your protein intake even if you’re on a weight-loss journey
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