10 home remedies to help cracked heels

Put Your Best Foot Forward: 

Dryness and cracking are caused by a lack of moisture. Coconut oil moisturises and nourishes the skin on your feet.

Fungal infection is a major cause of cracked heels. A vinegar soak is excellent for minor infections and cracks.

Lemon is known for its healing effects and is a great skin rejuvenator. It also works well in nourishing the rough feet.

Listerine and vinegar foot soak will allow you to remove the dead skin cells with ease.

Paraffin wax is a natural emollient that softens the foot skin and is the greatest cure for cracked heels.

A few minutes and a pumice stone are enough to treat cracked heels. Soak the feet, and gently scrub them with a pumice stone.

Rice flour, which acts as a natural exfoliant, is best for those with sensitive skin. It eliminates dead skin cells, softens the skin, prevents dryness, and heals heel cracks.

Washing your feet is simple yet effective way to avoid getting cracked heels.

Never forget to apply moisturiser on your feet.

Applying honey to your feet will ensure smooth heels.