Republic Day 2024:  5 Tricolour Dishes To Try At Home

Achieve the saffron colour using carrot, spinach and regular idli batter.


Enjoy with idli chutney and sambar for a healthy breakfast.

For the saffron layer, mix carrots, mayonnaise and salt.


For the green layer, combine paneer and green chutney.

Make dhokla batter with suji and yoghurt, then divide into three parts.


Add carrot puree to one part, spinach to the second, and leave the third part untouched.

Add spinach for a green hue and tomato puree for a saffron touch.


Include paneer cubes and tofu for a white colour.

Blend kesar with curd for saffron and khus syrup for green.


For plain white layer, use curd.