Restaurant-style Paneer Curry

Recipe To Try At Home

Green Curved Line

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh


   Onions: 2-3    Tomato puree: 1 bowl    Chopped garlic: 1 tablespoon    Curd: 1 cup    Cashews: 1/4 cup    Grated ginger: 1/2 tablespoon    Red chili powder: 1 tablespoon    Kashmiri red chili powder: 1 tablespoon    Coriander powder: 1 tablespoon    Chaat masala: 1 tablespoon    Bay leaf: 1    Black pepper: 1/2 tablespoon    Big cardamom: 1    Cloves: 3-4    Cardamom: 1    Cinnamon: 1-inch piece    Butter: 1 tablespoon    Oil: as needed    Salt: As per taste

Begin by heating oil in a pan. Once the oil is sufficiently hot, introduce the whole spices (bay leaf, cloves, cardamom, cumin, etc.) and saute until their aromas are released.

Step 1

Add coarsely chopped onions and garlic to the pan. It’s advisable to avoid finely chopping them. Gradually incorporate the onions and garlic into the pan, ensuring they cook evenly.

Step 2

Introduce tomato puree into the pan and allow it to simmer. After a while toss in the cashews, cover the pan, and let the flavors meld as the gravy gently cooks.

Step 3

As the cashews soften and the gravy thickens, introduce curd into the mixture. Thoroughly combine the curd with the rest of the ingredients.

Step 4

In a separate pan, melt butter and incorporate the ground spices.

Step 5

Once the gravy has cooked through, and the oil starts separating, add this spice-infused butter to enhance the flavors.

Step 6

When the paneer gravy achieves the desired consistency and its flavors meld beautifully, remove it from the heat source.

Step 7

Serve it with roti or rice.

Step 8