Revered peaks: 9 sacred mountains around the world

Mount Kailash, Tibet

Regarded as the most sacred mountain in Asia, Mount Kailash is venerated by Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, and Bon followers. Believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva, climbing is forbidden on this holy mountain.

Mount Fuji, Japan

Mount Fuji is sacred in Shinto religion. Pilgrims and tourists alike ascend this peak, believed to be home to the spirit of Sengen-Sama. 

Mount Sinai, Egypt

Mount Sinai, where Moses is said to have received the Ten Commandments, is a sacred site in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Sinai is a significant pilgrimage site.

Mount Olympus, Greece

In ancient Greek mythology, Mount Olympus was believed to be the residence of the gods, particularly Zeus. Today, it remains a symbol of Greece’s rich mythological heritage.

Mount Athos, Greece

Mount Athos is a spiritual centre for Eastern Orthodox Christianity, home to 20 monasteries. This has been a place of worship and seclusion for centuries, with access restricted to men only.

Uluru, Australia

Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is a sacred site for the Anangu people of Australia. This massive sandstone monolith holds great spiritual significance.

Nanda Devi, India

Nanda Devi, the second-highest peak in India, holds deep religious significance in Hinduism. Named after the goddess Nanda, it is considered her abode and is a sacred pilgrimage site.

Adam's Peak, Sri Lanka

Adam's Peak, or Sri Pada, or ‘sacred footprint’ is revered mountain for multiple religions. Pilgrims climb the peak at night to reach the summit by sunrise.

Mount Shasta, USA

Mount Shasta in California is a place of spiritual significance for Native American tribes and new-age spiritualists. Believed to be a mystical vortex of energy, it attracts those seeking enlightenment and healing.

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