Rewind 2023:  The best and the worst diet trends of the year 

Want to know which made it to the top of the list? Here are the top five

This trend includes consuming more plant-based foods while decreasing animal products. It promises health benefits such as reduced risk of heart diseases and certain cancers.

Plant-based Diets

Intermittent fasting is a popular diet trend involving cycles of fasting and eating. Done correctly, it may aid weight loss, enhance insulin sensitivity, and reduce inflammation, contributing to overall health.

Intermittent Fasting

Tailoring diets to an individual's genetics, gut microbiome, and preferences characterises the personalised nutrition trend. This approach improves adherence, optimises nutrient intake, and minimises deficiencies, resulting in enhanced health outcomes.

Personalised Nutrition

Encouraging attention to the eating experience, mindful eating promotes better portion control, reduced emotional eating, improved digestion, and overall mental well-being.

Mindful Eating

Incorporating fermented foods like yoghurt, kombucha, and kimchi into your diet supports a healthy gut microbiome, aids digestion, enhances nutrient absorption, and strengthens the immune system

Fermented Foods

Worst diet trends of 2023

Severe calorie restrictions and detox products can result in nutrient deficiencies, muscle loss, and a slowed metabolism. Not recommended for sustainable weight loss or overall health.

Detox Diets

Heavy restrictions on carbs and high fat consumption may cause initial weight loss but can lead to nutrient imbalances, lack of dietary fibre, and potential heart health risks from increased saturated fat intake.

Low-Carb or Ketogenic Diets

Relying solely on raw foods may cause nutrient deficiencies and challenges in obtaining enough calories, protein, and essential nutrients, potentially leading to malnutrition without proper balance.

Raw Food Diets

Meal replacement with juices can be low in calories, protein, and essential nutrients, resulting in muscle loss, slowed metabolism, nutrient deficiencies, and inadequate fibre intake.

Liquid-Only or Juicing Diets

Depending on diet pills or supplements for weight loss can be harmful, with potential adverse side effects. Unregulated products may give a false sense of security regarding overall health and weight management.

Diet Pills and Quick-Fix Supplements