Safe and simple exercises to do while pregnant

Stand with feet wide, practising diaphragmatic breathing. As you exhale, engage the pelvic floor and pull abdominals in, mimicking a Kegel. This exercise promotes core strength and pelvic floor activation.

Diaphragmatic Breath with Pelvic Floor Activation

First Trimester

Tap toe forward, angling hips upward, engaging glutes, and reaching arms overhead. This exercise strengthens abdominals and stability.

Standing Abs

Step back, lower heel, and rotate pelvis, adding upper body challenge with light weights. It promotes hip movement and overall body coordination.

Pelvis Articulation

On all fours, lift knee to ceiling, emphasising glute activation. A neutral spine maintains back strength and stability.

Butt Press

Step back, leaning forward for a diagonal line, engaging glutes and stretching hip flexors. This supports glute engagement and alleviates tightness from pregnancy.

Step Back Reach

Second Trimester

Pivot hips and torso, extending weights. This rotational movement improves core strength and balance.

Rotating Stagger

Drop weights, stretch back leg, and reach arms for a side stretch. It elongates the body and promotes breath expansion.

Internal 45 with Side Stretch

On all fours, extend leg back, lifting and lowering. It strengthens glutes while maintaining stability in the spine.

Leg Lift

Third Trimester Lean forward, lifting back leg to the side. This strengthens outer glutes and engages the pelvic floor for balance.

Fire Hydrant

Third Trimester

Step one foot forward, reaching arms forward for a hip flexor stretch. It help to maintain flexibility, while engaging glutes.

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Step front leg to the side, reaching arms, stretching inner thighs. A full-body stretch to relieve tension.

Intercoastal Kneeling Stretch

Side-lying on a wedge, lift and extend top leg for hamstring and glute activation. Keeps the heart above the baby for safety.

Hamstring Press

Lay on back on a wedge, pressing hips up and down. A controlled movement to strengthen the lower back and glutes.

Bridge on Wedge