Saudi Arabia condemns man to death for criticising corruption, human rights abuse

Saudi Arabia has sentenced a man to death for allegedly criticising corruption and human rights abuse

Mohammad al-Ghamdi denounced corruption and the rampant human-rise abuse on his Twitter account, which reportedly had just 9 followers

Ghamdi was handed the sentence in July by the Specialised Criminal Court in— the court that handles terrorism cases

He was charged with conspiracy against the Saudi leadership, undermining state institutions, and supporting terrorist ideology

Ghamdi’s case has brought forth Saudi Arabia's intensifying crackdown on criticism on social media

Saudi frequently faces condemnation for its human rights record and the prolific use of the death penalty

147 people were executed last year. There have been 94 executions this year so far

Concerns over human rights and gagging dissent have continued despite the oil-rich kingdom’s recent push for reforms

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has taken various steps towards modernisation under the Vision 2030 agenda

Vision 2030 agenda is aimed at transforming the Kingdom into a global business and tourism destination