Sawan 2023:  11 tips to help you during the fasting period

Keep sipping water, lemon water, coconut water, buttermilk etc, to keep the body hydrated.

While cooking food, use methods like baking, roasting or grilling. This will help in maintaining the nutrients of the food, powering the human body.

Provide the body with the necessary nutrients so as to not fall sick while fasting. Have a fruit salad when you're hungry. 

A handful of nuts will also keep you full.

Restrict the intake of sugary foods while fasting as they can result in high blood sugar levels.

Excessive caffeine and sugary drinks also lead to dehydration. Opt for herbal teas or decaffeinated alternatives during fasting hours.

The consumption of deep fried and oily foods during a fast can result in digestive issues.

Fasting can cause fatigue, so get enough rest and regulate your energy levels properly.

Avoid hard physical activities during the fasting period.

Include vegetables, whole grains, and proteins to balance the meal. Ensure you're getting proper nutrition during the non-fasting hours.

Avoid overeating during non-fasting hours.